Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?


Some of the more common questions that we get asked.
A conversation with our expert consultants is recommended, call 086 2316136.

It is a private policy that ensures that you have a replacement income if you are unable to work due to a medical condition. 

For further information, call our consultant on 086 2316136
or Get a Quote Here

Any medical conditions that keep you from performing your job.

For further information, call our consultant on 086 2316136
or Get a Quote Here


If you are a PAYE employee, your entitlement from social welfare amounts to €12,064 per annum. If you are self-employed, you are entitled to nothing at all.

For further information, call our consultant on 086 2316136
or Get a Quote Here


Yes, at the marginal rate of tax that you pay, so at 40% for higher rate taxpayers

For further information, call our consultant on 086 2316136
or Get a Quote Here